Papers should be written on the topics specified in the event announcements and should include technological developments, innovations, practices, research, and their results.
The title and content of the paper must be consistent with each other. The information intended to be conveyed in the paper should be clearly presented.
The language of the paper can be Turkish or English. Attention should be paid to using comprehensible Turkish or English in the papers.
The style, format, and language of the paper must comply with the structure and ethics of the congress.
Papers should not prioritize the interests of any specific company or group of companies, and no advertising or propaganda should be conducted in this regard. The promotion of any company product, system, device, or brand in the papers is strictly prohibited.
Papers must not have been previously published in any journal, catalog, or book, or must have been published only once but not presented at a similar event. The responsibility for the content of the papers lies with the author(s).
Papers will be accepted or rejected as oral or poster presentations. Please indicate your preference for acceptance format in the registration form. Papers will initially be evaluated based on abstracts, and full texts will be requested for those likely to be accepted.
Poster presentations should include the following sections: introduction and objectives, materials and methods, findings and discussion, conclusions and recommendations, and references. For review papers, sections should include introduction and objectives, general information, conclusions, and references.
All oral presentations must include abstracts of no more than 150 words each in Turkish and English. Research-review abstracts should contain sections on introduction and objectives, materials and methods, findings and discussion, and conclusions and recommendations. Review abstracts should include sections on introduction and objectives, general information, and conclusions. Each section should be presented as separate paragraphs without section headings. At the end of the abstracts, include 3 to 5 keywords that are not in the title but reflect the content of the paper.
Oral papers should be written in review or research-study format. Accepted papers should be no more than 10 pages, including abstracts, text, tables, figures, and references, in Times New Roman, 12-point font.
a. Reviews: Must include the sections introduction, general review information (with headings and subheadings), conclusions, and references. The purpose of the review should be stated in the last paragraph of the introduction. General information should be provided chronologically and may include comments in the final paragraph. The conclusion section should list the potential contributions of the review to the OHS field.
b. Research studies: Must include the sections introduction and objectives, materials and methods, findings and discussion, conclusions and recommendations, and references. The materials and methods section should specify the type, location, time, scope, names of methods used, and evaluation criteria. The findings and discussion section should present the study’s results, compare them with similar national and international studies, and highlight similarities and differences. Limitations and strengths of the study should be stated at the end of this section. The conclusions and recommendations section should include only results derived from the study and recommendations based on those results.
c. Reference formatting: References should be cited sequentially in the text as superscripts following the relevant sentence punctuation. Examples:
- Journal articles with DOI: Asar R, Çelikten Y. Shadowing a woman administrator: A Turkish case. Universal Journal of Management 2016;4(11):607-614. doi:10.13189/ujm.2016.041102.
- Articles with three or more authors: Bay RA, Rose N, Barrett R, et al. Predicting responses to contemporary environmental change using evolutionary response architectures. American Naturalist 2017;189(5):463-473.
- News articles: Harlan C. North Korea vows to restart shuttered nuclear reactor that can make bomb-grade plutonium. The Washington Post 10.07.2024;3.
- Online news articles: Stolberg SG, Pear R. Wary centrists posing challenge in health care vote. New York Times. Internet: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/us/politics/28health.html. Accessed: 10.07.2024.
- Books: Başaran İE, Çınkır Ş. Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi. Ankara: Ekinoks Yayınevi; 2011.
- Edited books: Kesharwani P, editor. Nanotechnology-based approaches for tuberculosis treatment. Academic Press; 2020.
- Chapters in edited books: Dönmez B. Motivation. In: Özdemir S, Editor. Eğitim yönetiminde kuram ve uygulama. Ankara: Pegem Akademi, 2013; pp. 185-229.
Presentations: Should be prepared in PowerPoint format. The first slide should be a cover including the paper title, presenter’s identity, date, and location of the presentation. The second slide should include the presentation outline. Subsequent slides should contain relevant headings according to the research-study or review format. Each slide should have a title and content section. Titles should use 36-40 point font, and content should use 24-28 point font. Content must adhere to the 7×7 rule (maximum of 7 lines per slide and 7 words per line). The total number of slides should not exceed twice the presentation duration (e.g., 15-minute presentation: 30 slides; 20-minute presentation: 40 slides).
Papers can be sent via email to: isgadana@mmo.org.tr